Flute Music by

Herbert Lindholm

1-3 Flutes and Studies
Flute Ensembles
Flute and Piano
Flute and Guitar
Chamber Music incl. Flute
Flute(s) and Orchestra

Arrangements and Transcriptions here!

1-3 Flutes and Studies  


Suite for Solo Flute (1987)

PDF  Terpsikhore

MP3  1.  Muse for Dance of Tracia 

MP3  2.  Born from the Seafoam at Copper Island

MP3  2.    (played on Alto Fl)

MP3  3.  Satyr of Phrygia '


Played by Composer, 2001

on a Swedish Folk Tune

for Flute Alone (1991)

PDF        MP3    Played by Finale 2007 Software!

Variations on "Crying Flute"
for Flute Alone (1995)
PDF        MP3    Played by Finale 2007  Software!
Pia Vilermo on Youtube:


Before the Beginning of Time
for Solo Flute, op. 32 (1999)

PDF   MP3  Played by composer, 2003

Technical video clips:

Super fast tremolo, bar 12

Super fast trill, bar 15     MP4

Hollow tone + gliss, bar 18    MP4

Tremolo, bar 64     MP4
Video in Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81np5cmDoTQ

Minidrama 1
op. 36a (2002)
for Flute alone   


  MP3  Played by Riitta Heikkilä 2.4.04

Minidrama 2
op. 36b  (2002)
for Flute alone 

PDF    MP3  Played by Hanna Hautsalo

Four Winds for Flute

op. 55  (2006)

PDF  The Suite Complete

Spring Winds,    MP3   
Summer Winds, MP3

Autumn Winds, MP3   
Winter Winds,   MP3

Åsa Dalkarl-Gustavsson 2006

Technical video clips from the Winter Winds:

Multiphone + gliss, bar 17 and hollow tones, bar 20, MP4 
Whistletones, bar 62, MP4

Samba Fantasy

for Solo Flute (or trio, 2017)

PDF  Solo Flute   MP3  Played by Finale

Samba Fantasy, Trio version
for Flute, Cello, Piano 
MP3  Played by Sibelius 7,5/Noteperformer


for Solo Alto Flute or Flute
op. 77 (2011)
In Memory of the Katastrophe in Japan 11.3.2011

PDF  Lacrimosa 
MP3  Played by Susanna Bunda 2.12.2011
Fp. Kuopio 20.11.2011 Susanna Bunda


  for Solo Flute,  (5.12.2017)
Myötätuuli / Medvind

Tailwind, PDF

MP3  Played by Sibelius 7,5/NotePerformer

Youtube: https://youtu.be/Ol9XYJXPwik

Tango Fantasy
for Two Flutes (2009)

PDF     MP3   Played by Finale/Garritan


Flautoduetto no. 1
op. 46a (2004) Flute Duet 

PDF      MP3    Played by Hanna Hautsalo
and Riitta Heikkilä 23.2.2005

Flute Trio No. 1
op. 13 (1990)

PDF   Score    PDF   Flutes

MP3   Played by Seija Mononen,
Virva Kirves, Tiina Laakkonen

Flute Trio No. 2 

op. 43 (2004)  

"The Shepherd's Daydream" /
"Lammaspaimenen päiväunet"

PDF   Score and Flute parts     


  Played by Edit Heiskanen,
Heli Lyytikäinen and Marika Häkkinen
29.4.2005 Susanna Bunda´s students

Flute Trio No. 3

op. 45 (2004) " Floating" / "Leijaillen"   

PDF   Score and Flute parts  

MP3    Played 13.5.05 by Maria Lehtimäki,
Minna Huovinen, Pauliina Karjunen
Vuokko Vuolle´s students

The Skillful Flautist /
Taitava huilisti

Album of Studies  op. 16 (1992)


Fifty Little Flute Studies

Viisikymmentä pientä huiluetydiä

op. 25 (1994)


Basic Flute Technique /

Peruskuviot huilulle

op. 26 (1994)

Contents: Foreword, Scales, Tecnical patterns,
Interval exercises, Tone Studies,
Other exercises, Chord exersices,
Trill chart, Micro intervals,
Some usual modern flute sounds,
The Parts of the flute,
Numbering of keys (Bartolozzi) (41 pages)


Flute Ensembles


op. 60 (2007)

Fantasy for
Extended Flute Choir 

2 picc, 9 fl, 2cls, cello

PDF   Grasshoppers Score  

PDF   Grasshoppers Parts  
MP3  Grasshoppers at F.p. 6.11.2007 in Kuopio
Kuopio All Stars Flute Girls

Orpheus' Return
op. 50 (2005)

for Extended Flute Choir, 
2 picc, 8 fl, cl/afl, fag/bfl, cello, cb

MP3  Orpheus' Return  
7.4.2006, Kuopio Flute Students

PDF  Orpheus Score

PDF  Orpheus Parts

op. 40 (2003)

for flute choir,
6 fl (incl. 2 picc), afl and pno

PDF  Score and Parts   
MP3   Composer's Flute Choir 13.2.2004


op. 33 (2000)

Symphonic Fantasy
for Extended Flute Choir,
7 fl, (1 picc), cello, piano

PDF  Score

PDF  Parts
MP3 Daphne

Composer's Student Flute Choir 2000

Northern Lights /

op. 29 (1997)

for Extended Flute Choir,
2 picc, 6 fl, cl/afl, pno    

PDF   Score     PDF   Parts  

MP3   Composer's Student Flute Choir 1999

A Bird Story /

op. 12 (1990)

for Flute Choir,  2 picc, 6 fl, afl/cl     

MP3  Composer's Flute Choir 1999

PDF   Score   PDF  Parts

Flute Quartet no. 1
"Snow Flurry"

op. 22a (1993)

PDF  Flutes     PDF  Score    


Composers' Student Quartet 1997, Sanna Rosberg,
Päivi Matilainen, Johanna Huttunen, Mari Merentie

MP3    1. Snow Flurry   

MP3   2. Frozen Plain

  3. Hailstorm 

Flute Quartet no. 2
"Faux Bourdon"

op. 22b

PDF  Flute Parts   PDF Score

PDF  1. Faux Bourdon   MP3   

PDF  2. Introversio        MP3
PDF  3. Scherzando       MP3  

Composer's Student Flute Quartet 2001
Leena Miettinen, Helene Seppänen, Hanna Murto, Laura Merelli

Flute Quartet no. 3
op. 22c

PDF  Complete play-score for four flutes!

A real bridge to modern music! 

PDF   Extended technique

MP3 FILE     
Composer's Student Flute Quartet 1993,

Veera Väätäinen, Elina Savolainen,
Sari Vaittinen, Mirkka Korhonen

Zagreb Flute Ensemble

Concert 6.3.2016, YOUTUBE

Flute Quartet no. 4 "Castello" 

op. 42 (2004)

PDF   Score and Flute parts
MP3   Haapakulman huilukvartetti  /
Flutists from Kuopio Conservatory 2007.
Minna Huovinen, Jetta Pöyhönen,
Pauliina Karjunen, Maria Lehtimäki. 

Ohjaus: Vuokko Vuolle. 
Click to enlarge! 

Kungsvägens trubadurer

The Troubadours of
King's Road,

op. 35 (2001) 

For Flute Choir,
7 fl, picc, pno (+tamb.& drum) 
A piece for your whole flute class!
Incl. 3 easy soloist parts
in renaissance style!

PDF  Score,  
PDF  Parts 

MP3  Susanna Bunda´s Flute Choir 

Lumikki /
Snow White 

op. 47 (2004)

An easy mini musical
for young flutists

PDF  Score  

Heli Talvitie's flute group "Taikahuilut"
Recorded by 17.11.06 in Kuopio 


Flute and Piano

Fauni dei Funghi /
Sienifaunit (1987)

Suite for Flute and Piano

PDF  Fauni dei Funghi, Piano   

PDF  Fauni dei Funghi, Flute  

MP3   Nr.1 Faunus Boletus

MP3   Nr.2 Faunus Amanita 

MP3   Nr.3 Faunus Cantharellus
MP3   Nr.4 Faunus Gyromitra 

Composer, fl. and Jaakko Untamala, pno

Three Polar Night
Impressions /
Kaamos (1988)

Suite for Flute and Piano

PDF   Piano   PDF   Flute

MP3   1. Tired Sun
MP3   2. Into the Darkness

MP3   3. Frost Crystals


Composer, fl, Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno  2001

for Flute and Piano,
op. 27 (1996)

PDF  Flute   PDF  Piano

MP3   1. mov.   MP3   2. mov.  

MP3   3. mov. 
Composer, flute,
Natalia Sadovnitchaia, piano

Sonata Nr. 2
for Flute and Piano
op. 52 (2006)

PDF  Sonata    MP3   1. mov.

MP3   2. mov.  MP3   3. mov.  

Played by Composer and
Olli Rantala 23.2.2013

Sonata Nr. 3
for Flute and Piano
op. 97 (2020) 

Sonata Nr 3. PDF

F.p. 6.2.2021 in Kuopio by Sami Junnonen, fl
and Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno



Youtube, with score:


Zickzack, op. 34 (2000)

for Flute and Piano

PDF  Flute   PDF  Piano

MP3   Elina Savolainen, fl,
and Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno 2001

MP3   Johanna Vänttinen, fl,
and Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno 16.4.2002


for Flute and Piano,
op. 37 (2002)

PDF  Flute      PDF  Piano          

MP3  1. Movem.  

MP3  2. Movem. 
MP3  3. Movem.      

(Sonatina played by Finale)

Ballade and Scherzo

for Flute and Piano,
op. 51 (2005)

PDF  Flute   PDF   Piano         

Ballade MP3     Scherzo MP3
by Laura Bergman, flute 2007
and Natalia Sadovnitchaia, piano

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB63mD68dH4

Chamber Concerto /

for Flute and Piano
or Flute + Ensemble,
op. 31 (1999)

Solo fl, 2 vl, cl, vcl, cb, pno
or solo flute and piano

PDF  Flute   PDF  Piano
PDF  Parts   PDF  SCORE  

MP3  1 Movem.   
MP3  2 Movem.  

MP3  3 Movem.  

Composer, fl, Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno 2001

Piiloleikki / Hide and Seek

for Flute and Piano,


PDF  Flute & Piano         

MP3 Played by Seela Latonen and Timo Latonen
Tampere 2020

Sonata for Flute and Piano

Haapis  PDF

MP3     Fp: Composer, flute,
Olavi Salo, piano

Flute and Guitar

the City of Pharaoh (1986)

For Alto Flute and Guitar

PDF  Score    MP3  Thebe  


Composer, alto flute, Pekka Nyyssönen, guitar 1988

Video in YOUTUBE:  

Pythia op. 8 (1989)

For Alto Flute and Guitar

PDF   Pythia Complete 

MP3  1. Prophesy

MP3  2. The Rite

MP3  3. The Relevation

Composer, alto flute, Pekka Nyyssönen,
guitar 1992

Concertpiece (1987)

For Flute and Guitar  


Composer, flute and Pekka Nyyssönen, guitar 1988

Byzantion A.D. 1453 (1987)

For Flute and Guitar

PDF  Score

MP3 Composer, flute and
Pekka Nyyssönen, guitar 1988


Video in YOUTUBE:   


For Alto Flute and Guitar
op. 99 (2021)  


MP3   Played by Sibelius 7,5/Noteperformer

Fp: Outi Nieminen, Afl, Petteri Nieminen, Guit.
12.8.2022, Rantasalmi


Chamber Music
incl. Flute


Four Bagatelles for Alto Flute and Harp or Kantele
op. 101 (2022)

Altocumulus, PDF

MP3  Fp. 9.11.2023, Susanna Bunda & Silja Kallio

Youtube, with score:

Fp. 9.11.2023, Susanna Bunda & Silja Kallio


Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano
Op. 92 (2017)

Ottobre complete, PDF 

MP3  Played by Sibelius 7,5/NotePerformer


Quartet for Flute, Violin, Viola and Cello
Op. 91 (2017)

Episodes complete, PDF 

MP3  Played by KallaQuartet 28.3.2018


Suite for Violin and Kantele
or Flute, Alto Flute or Viola
Kantele, Harp or Harpsichord
Op. 90 (2017)

Nostalgia, PDF  MP3

Youtube: https://youtu.be/SQ3ZdxYxuEU

Extra mov., op. 90b:
Meditaatio/Meditation PDF  



op. 87 (2015)

Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, Piano


MP3 1.  MP3 2.  MP3 3. 

F.p. in Kuopio 9.10.2016
Päivi Väisänen, flute, Dimas Ruiz, oboe, Sanna Viljasaari, clarinet,
Irina Zahharenkova, piano, Lucian Dancescu, bassoon, Hannah Miller, horn,
most left: Herbert Lindholm, composer

Tapio, op. 81 (2013)

for Flute and Kantele or Harp


MP3  Played by Composer and Silja Kallio
Fp. 6.10.2013 Kuopio

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/

Happy Days /
Onnen päivät

op. 68 (2008)


New-romantic piece for Flute and Organ, (or Strings).
Perfect Wedding Music! 

PDF  Parts complete

MP3   Played by Terhi Aurala-Heiskanen
and Jan Lehtola 27.2.2012
in Alava Church, Kuopio
Se also here lower,
Flute and Strings version!

Nine Moments
in St. Petersburg

Suite for Flute, Oboe and Guitar, op. 20

PDF Score   PDF  Parts  
1. MP3   2. MP3 

3. MP3   4. MP3

5. MP3   6. MP3  

7. MP3   8. MP3  

9. MP3 

Played by Composer, fl,
Pekka Parkkinen, ob,
Pekka Nyyssönen, guit.  2002

Quattro canzoni

for Flute and Organ
op. 15 (1992)

or transcription for Flute and Piano 

PDF   Flute    PDF   Organ 

PDF    Piano version. (play in order 1-3-2)
Fp. 6.8.1992, Lahti Organ Week
Petri Alanko, fl,
Juhani Romppanen, org.

Canz. 1 MP3   Canz. 2 MP3
Canz. 3 MP3  Canz. 4 MP3


Sari Vaittinen, fl,
Heikki Mononen, org. 1999
Canz. 1  MP3 Canz. 2  MP3

Canz. 3  MP3

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6fLDmItzgM


op. 28 (1997)

Trio for Flute, Cello and Accordion

PDF  Flute   PDF Accordion

PDF  Cello  PDF  Score

MP3  Timo Törmä, vcl,
Petri Makkonen, acc.
Composer, fl, 1998



op. 39 (2003)

Trio for Flute, Cello and Guitar
PDF  Score and Parts Complete 

Composer, flute, Markku Laakso, guitar,
Timo Törmä, cello

Recorded 2003

Teno  op. 53 (2006)  

Septet for Flute, Clarinet,
Violin, Viola, Cello,
Contrabass and Piano 

PDF  Score   PDF  Parts  

Played by Savonia Salong:
Anni Poikonen, pno, Jonna Rantakylä, vl,
Joni Himberg, vla, Eeva Enqvist, cello,
Ville Koponen, cb, Hanna Hautsalo, fl,
Anna-Maija Lappalainen, cl.

Middle-East Fantasy

for Flute, Clarinet, Cello, Harpsichord
op. 59 (2007)

PDF  Score      PDF  Parts  

Anna Mutanen, flute,
Anni Poikonen, harpsichord,
Anna-Maija Lappalainen, clarinet,
Eeva Enqvist, cello

Flute(s) and Orchestra

for Flute and String Orchestra, op 94 (2019)

 Concerto score, PDF

Concerto solo flute, PDF
Concerto string parts, PDF
Concerto flute-pianoversion, PDF

MP3  Played by Sibelius 7,5/NotePerformer

MP3  Pianoversion played by Sibelius 7,5


Happy Days / Onnen päivät

op. 68 (2008)

New-romantic piece for Flute and Strings or Organ.
Perfect Wedding Music!

First performance: Päivi Kukkonen 2009 Kuopio

PDF   Happy Days Score

PDF   Parts   MP3

Nordic Nights /
Nordiska nätter 

Concerto for Two Flutes
and Strings

op. 30 (1998)

PDF   Flute I    PDF   Flute II

PDF  Piano   PDF   Score

PDF  Parts    MP3   

Elina Savolainen,
Sari Vaittinen,
Chamber Orch by
Kuopio Conservatoire /
cond. Antti Meurman  1998

MP3  Piano version
Elina, Sari + Natalia Sadovnitchaia

Sea Air  op. 41  (2004)   

Fantasy for Flute,
Guitar and Strings

PDF  Score   PDF   Flute 

PDF  Guitar   PDF Strings

PDF  Piano score

F.p. Kuopio Music Hall 12.8.06  

E5 Orchestra cond. Ville Matveinen, 
Markku Laakso, guitar,

Terhi Aurala-Heiskanen, flute,
Herbert Lindholm, composer

MP3  Played by Composer,
Markku Laakso and
AMKO/Rauno Tikkanen  2009  

Concertino for Flute
and Orchestra
or Flute and Piano,
op. 14 (1991)

PDF   Flute   PDF  Piano

PDF    Score Parts  PDF        

MP3   Mia Räsänen, fl and Natalia Sadovnitchaia, pno  2001

MP3  F.p. by Marja Luiro and
Kuopio Conservatoire orch. / Antti Meurman, Kuopio 25 2. 1992

Concertino nr. 2  op. 48 (2005)

for Flute and Strings,
plus Vibraphone and Gran Cassa

PDF  Score   PDF  Piano score   

PDF  Solo Flute   
PDF Parts 

MP3  F.p. at 16.11.2006 in Kuopio.
Riitta Heikkilä, flute,
Savonia Strings,
cond. Rauno Tikkanen

Concertino Nr. 3

for Flute, Vibraphone and Strings, op 93 (2018)

Concertino no 3 score, PDF

Concertino no 3 parts, PDF

MP3  Played by Sibelius 7,5/NotePerformer


Lapland  op. 62 (2007)

Ballade for
Two Flutes and Strings

PDF Score    PDF All Parts  

PDF   Piano score  

F.p. 6.11.2007 in Kuopio.
Essi Huovinen and Teea Kokkonen, flutes,
AMKO STRINGS, Mark Doiel  

Lapland 6.11.07  MP3

Lapland 2009   MP3

Päivi Kukkonen, Susanna Bunda, flutes, AMKO/Rauno Tikkanen

Sheet music available:  https://core.musicfinland.fi
Contact: herbalindholm(at)gmail.com

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